Greenbrook Methodist
We aim to show the love of Jesus in words and actions
We are a medium sized Church and Community Centre which welcomes people of all ages to its many activities. We have ramp access and facilities for those of limited mobility.
Our style of worship on Sunday mornings tends towards the traditional, but our Messy Church (Family Fun Zone) held monthly on Tuesday evenings is more modern in style and attracts many families.
There are links with local schools and good pastoral care for our members.
We have long established Pantomime and Theatre Groups which involve the local community.
Rooms are available for Party Hire (We can accommodate Bouncy Castles!) Contact Wendy on 426889 or email
Sunday Service - 9.30am
Weekly groups......
Sunday from 9-30AM TO 10-30AM SUNDAY WORSHIP.
Sunday from 7-00PM TO 10-00PM Greenbrook Pantomime Society (in Season)
Monday from 7-30pm to 10-00pm – Greenbrook Theatre Group
Tuesday from 9-15am to 11-15am – Mums and Toddlers Group.
The 2nd and 4th Tuesday in the Month from 2-00pm to 3-30pm Tuesday Fellowship.
Tuesday from 5-00pm to 8-00pm Slimming World is held in the Church.
Tuesday from 6-45pm to 8-30pm – Girlzone
Second Tuesday of the Month from 6-30pm to 8-30pm – Family Funzone (Messy Church)
Wednesday from 11-30am to 2-00pm – Luncheon Club.
Wednesday from 6-00pm to 7-30pm – Boys’ Brigade.
Wednesday from 7-30pm to 10-00pm - Greenbrook Theatre Group.
Thursday from 2-00pm to 4-00pm – Food Bank Collection.
Thursday from 6-30pm –10-00pm - Greenbrook Panto Society (in Season)
Thursday from 6-30pm to 8-30pm – Craft and Chat.
Friday from 9-15am to 11-15am – Mums and Toddlers Group.
Last Saturday in every month from 10am to 11-30am – Monthly Coffee Morning.

Address: Greenbrook Road, Lowerhouse, Burnley BB12 6NZ
Minister: Revd Tony Graff
Tel: 01282 225435