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This Page is under development - New information coming soon..........



What is the place of heritage in the life of the Church today? This was the question raised when the thought of a heritage trail was first raised. Why should the past be made special? Shouldn’t Christian people always look forward to where God is calling them to worship and to serve?

There are always new opportunities and new ways of presenting the gospel and caring for those in need. Yet, it is important too to recognise and celebrate those who in the past, in their generation, found ways to serve. The struggles they faced and the triumphs they achieved were theirs alone. Their faithful witness are examples that can encourage Christians of this age.

Isaac Newton often quoted statement reads: “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” By not forgetting the heritage of the past Christians can build on what has gone before and look to the future.

Methodists have always looked back to the Wesley’s. The theology and methodical attitude of John and the hymns of Charles are part of the heritage that is carried forward as the church embraces new things.

My hope in encouraging the formation of the Heritage Hub and trail for the Burnley and Pendle Circuit was to help people see the past as it laid the foundations for what is now shared by many. I hope you find these pages interesting, informative, and inspiring. Hopefully you may even visit the sites, or possibly attempt one of the walks.

Paul Davis (Chair of Lancashire District 2013-2022)

We are creating a local Methodist Heritage Trail. So far we have identified past local Methodist people and designed walks connected to them. Blue heritage plaques for these Methodists have been placed at specific locations in Burnley and Pendle.

The map below shows the location of the heritage sites linked to a past Methodist.  Please click on the icons to find further information .


The Circuit  Methodist Heritage Hub will be open in the first Wednesday in every month from 10am until 12 noon at Padiham Road Methodist Church, Burnley and at other times by prior arrangement. Please contact Kath Yates

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