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Higherford Methodist

Higherford Methodist is a friendly, caring and family-oriented church. Our aim is to spread the love of Jesus in words and actions


We have a Sunday Morning Service at 11-00am followed by coffee.

Services include all age worship and Junior Church.


Weekly Activities 


Alternate Mondays  - Bible Fellowship at 2pm 

Wednesdays in term time - Mums and toddlers . Contact  Sheila 01282 613125

Last Friday Afternoon of the month - Friday Fun Games Quizzes, guest speakers and lots of chat.


We have regular Saturday coffee mornings and community lunches . Please see our Facebook page @Higherford Methodist Church or local advertising for times and dates.


If you would like to hire a room with a function room kitchen, and Wi-Fi please ring Sheila on 01282 613125



Address: Gisburn Road, Nelson BB9 6JH


Minister: Revd Adrian Perry


Mob: 07469 761773


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