Bible & Prayer
A congregation that is built up in the Word of God will be strong in faith and strong in an understanding of its mission.

Thy Kingdom Come 2025
Thursday 29th May - Sunday 8th June 2025
On Ascension Day on Thursday 29th May at 7.30pm there will be a service at Padiham Road Church led by Revd Rick Ormrod.
More information coming soon about Thy Kingdom Come Prayer events in the Circuit.
Prayer Requests
Contact - Carole Eldon
The Circuit has a team of Prayer Warriors who pray weekly for others. Please forward any requests to the above contact. N.B. In order to keep confidentiality only first names are shared for prayers

Prayer Resources
There are lots of Prayer resources available here are just a few to help you connect with God.
North West England District website
Prayer of the Day on the Methodist website
Archives including the following:
Thy Kingdom Come (TKC) website
Prayer Events
Saturday 8am Prayer Breakfast dates:
1st March at Greenbrook Church led by Revd Adrian Perry
5th April at Padiham Road (TBC) led by Revd Tony Graff
3rd May at St Johns led by Christvin Edbarg
All Welcome further information from Kath Heyworth 07861 459918 kathheyworth@hotmail.co.uk